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Top 5 Most Underrated Video Game Websites

There is no doubt about the exponential growth of the gaming industry. Each day we see not the only advancement take place in the gaming section but also technological advancement in various new platforms. All of this requires up to date transfer of information. There are millions of games that have so much information at the brink of the explosion that we all require reliable platforms to get in touch with the latest updates regarding the gaming world. Unfortunately, as it may seem, big blogging companies that have most popular gaming websites like Kotaku or IGN have taken a toll over some sites that perhaps provide a more passionate approach towards news reporting and opinionating than these popular ones. Mostly because these sites are run by passionate gamers and not professional members of the industry. That is why we thought of making a list of some sites that the genuine gamers would love to consult when they are in need of information or forming an opinion about a game....

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